YDL on iMac

Simon White yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Apr 29 03:49:01 2002

28-Apr-02 at 18:20, James O'Reilly (joreilly@panix.com) wrote :
> PS - And then one can format the different partitions with different file
> systems?

Yes, as long as the partition table is consistent for booting into MacOS,
you can delete any partitions not used by MacOS directly, and reformat
them to any file system you like.

[Simon White. vim/mutt. simon@mtds.com. GIMPS:94.73% see www.mersenne.org]
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
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bigger and better idiots.  So far, the Universe is winning.  -- Rich Cook