How to buy YDL software

Thu Aug 1 19:17:01 2002

May be this can be some off topic (well, this is a yellowdog-general 
list after all) but I want to tell my small history as YDL customer:

1) I downloaded YDL 2.0 for evaluation purpose, and the product like to me.

2) Purchased YDL 2.1 from Terrasoft

3) Purchased YDL 2.2 from Terrasoft

but in 2) and 3) that was my cost each version:
(numbers are approx.)

YDL 2.x                    = $ 29
Federal Express            = $ 30
Nationalization rights     = $ 30
Federal Inter mediation    = $ 30
Other Credits charges      = $ 10
Total Cost                 = $129

That's it $129 for each release and is the same that cost to me to buy
MacOS X.

Ok, Federal people are @#$%&*, but I can't do nothing about it.

In the other side, I understand that you can't work for free forever,
some people must to pay or you will go out of business.

Can I suggest something?

Can you open a Club as Mandrake did and offer free versions to the
members for one annual fee as .iso images and some rebates or free
download in third party payware products (games, utilities etc.)?.
BTW, Internet was invented, why don't use it :) ?.

Or whatever.

As you can see from above, Federal is by far doing more money than
you for your work, and in the other side I see a strong community
around YellowDog. Had you think about that?.

My apologizes in advance and sorry by the inconveniences