PBG3 233MHz 14.1 Wallstreet--optimal video settings?

Andrew Stout yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu Aug 1 19:59:01 2002

>Bad news is that video on the Wallstreet in XFree86 4.1 is not accelerated.
>The good news is that it appears that XFree86 4.2 will support 
>accelerated video on the Wallstreet chip, the Rage Pro LT.

<dumbquestion> 4.1 is what I have, right?  (How do I find out?)  4.2 
is yet-to-come? </dumbquestion>

>I get the best video by passing the following line to the kernel in BootX
>video=atyfb:vmode:14,cmode:15  (I think.  I'll check and post to the 
>list if I'm wrong.)

Thanks.  I'll give this a try.
