How to buy YDL software

Carsten Milling
Fri Aug 2 09:16:01 2002

On Fri, Aug 02, 2002 at 09:45:36AM -0400, Pietro wrote:
> Of course I know about .iso images. I downloaded it for 2.0 version for 
> evaluation purposes
> but if Terrasoft don't get enough money from new versions sales, then 
> will not produce
> these new versions. We, the users must to pay (if we can) to maintan a 
> viable business.
> Do you remember LinuxPPC?. I was user of that distribution but is now an 
> unmantained and
> unsupported distribution. I don't want it happens again with YDL.
> I live in Venezuela.
> BTW, Federal Express services cost $30 for international delivery exept 
> USA and Canada,
> (no taxes included) that is more than the price of new versions. 
> Pietro Pesci-Feltri C.

I think Pietro raises an interesting point here. I bought the CDs
twice for the same reasons as Pietro's, i.e. to support a nice Linux
distribution for PPC. However, I payed more than $60 each time. That
means the shipping was even more expensive than the actual
distribution. I could have bought YDL in a local shop but even here in
Berlin they are quite slow to have the latest version available.  BTW,
one of the German resellers mentioned on was
not even capable to offer a decent payment method for their online

It would be really great if Terra Soft could find a way to reduce
shipping costs for their really excellent product. I remember online
purchases from the U.S. which where much more affordable. For now I
decided to go with apt-get for the 2.3 upgrade.

Best regards,

Carsten Milling