DVD software

Neill Miller yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sun Aug 4 00:52:01 2002

On Fri, 2 Aug 2002 20:52:50 -0400
"Bill Fink" <billfink@mindspring.com> wrote:

> It's great to hear about your success using xine to watch DVDs on
> a G3 400!  The 0.9.12 release of xine added support for some QuickTime
> mov files including the older SVQ1 Sorenson video codec (but not the
> newer SVQ3).  And I believe the soon to be released (in the next few
> days) 0.9.13 xine release will have support for the QuickTime 6 MPEG-4
> files (haven't tested this yet).  So you may want to try the 0.9.13
> version once it comes out (the 0.9.12 version had some serious bugs
> on PPC that I have previously posted other people's patches for).

Hello Bill,

Thanks for the status update on Xine 0.9.13!  I've just compiled that
and it's runs very nicely on some quicktime video files I had available.
 I haven't tested the QT6/MPEG-4 files yet, but I'm sure I'll find some
in time. ;-)

I had no idea Xine was able to play quicktime, as I hadn't updated it in
a while...

Best regards,
