swap space??

Chris Ruprecht yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Aug 19 11:26:01 2002


On Monday 19 August 2002 13:00, Max Wiberg wrote:


> Personally speaking, I haven't found this very critical, on my
> flatpanel iMac with 512 Mb ram,
> 80G hd, I have run with both 512 - 1025Mb swap.
> I havent noticed any big difference, but as they say, your mileage may
> differ.

You will only notice the difference, if your system is running programs w=
actually use the swap space. Unlike Windoze, which _always_ uses it, no=20
matter what, Linux and most UNIXes, except OS X, only uses it, if it real=
needs it. Therefore, if everything you're doing fits into real memory (RA=
you will never have to swap. You might find some small usage (a few KB in=
use) where it has swapped out something it doesn't need - like some progr=
which is run at startup but never used. I'm not sure why it swaps that ou=
t at=20
time but not at other times but then, I never bothered to check what it i=

- chris
> Cheers:  Max!

Chris Ruprecht
Network Grunt and bitpusher extraordinaire