Converting OS X AddressBook to KAddress?

Robert Brandtjen
Tue Aug 20 19:50:01 2002

On Tuesday 20 August 2002 08:37 pm, Robert Brandtjen wrote:
> The truth about you and this email list is you spend most of your time
> telling people, in various ways, to use that POS OSX and drop linux, wh=
> in fact, Linux, even YDL, runs circles around OSX. And it's free. Which=
> know is something else you dislike, seeing your posts vis-avis Richard
> Stallman elsewhere.

Oh, and byu the way, those IBM drives you assured everyone would die last=
winter? well, all 4 of em are still running like champs without a peep fr=
the kernel - nada, nothing.  They run 24/7, according to you, they should=
have died months and months ago.
 Robert Brandtjen
 Web Site Creation and Hosting Services