Terrasoft ATX FAQ x, 86 video cards, and em86

Henry A. Leinhos yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu Dec 19 07:49:01 2002

Hi, from the Terrasoft website 

> *Frequently Asked Questions*
>     * Q: Does the Teron motherboard run Mac OS?
>           A: No. 
>     * Q: Can I run Mac OS through MOL?
>           A: While it is technically possible, it is against the
>           strict policies of the Apple Mac OS End-User agreement and
>           is therefore not recommended. 
>     * Q: Can I use x86 video and sound cards?
>           A: Yes

    Is this entirely true?  I've heard of some individuals using an x86
    emulator to execute some x86 video card BIOS calls (usally on
    Alpha-based machines, eg
    but I haven't seen anything like this in the standard XFree86
    distro, or in the YellowDog XFree86 package.  The Alpha packages
    usually required a kernel patch.  Does anyone know anything more
    about this?

    Thanks in advance