HELP: post power-failure boot probs

Fri Dec 27 18:08:01 2002

Christopher Murtagh said:
>  I haven't used BootX in a while, but there must be a way to boot into
> single user mode. With Yaboot or Lilo, you would type '<linux> single'
> where <linux> is the image name of the kernel (usually just 'linux', or
> sometimes you might call it 'linux-2.4.20', etc.). Then in single usr
> mode, you can change /etc/inittab and set the default run level to 3
> rather than 5 (usually a good idea for a server anyway).

maybe the way could be pass in the boot x kernel argument box something like

root=/dev/<rootpartition> init=/bin/bash

i usually pass these arguments when i have really bad problems so i can
take a shell and check what's going on

man0--------------------| macchinist,|
spazzacamino etc etc    |