Compiling an APP

William Carty
Sat Jul 13 21:20:01 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wallydog" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 10:57 PM
Subject: Compiling an APP

> I downloaded some files, they are .gz files and .tgz files and some
> source code.
> Every time i ask someone how to uses the programs, i always
> get, just read the READ ME...or just compile it.  most of these don't
> have read me's.
> I'm a complete NEWBEE...  I have no clue what the commands are for the
> terminal to compile an
> app....How do I do it???  Is there any resources out there on the net to
> help me..

Most of the time it's just going to be:

make install

That'll take care of about 90% of the things you would need to compile from
source.  The actual instructions should be included in either the README or
INSTALL file that came with the app.  It's rare that you don't get at least
one of those with basic instructions.