video problem with ydl 2.3 and xfree86 on powerbook g4

Stefan Bruda
Thu Jul 25 20:43:01 2002

At 22:24 -0400 on 25-7-2002 "" wrote:
 > Thanks for such detailed write up.  Apparently, I did get lucky.
 > The ydl 2.3 linux already came with the radeon driver that I need.
 > The following are the steps for installing YDL 2.3 on my powerbook
 > G4.

Cool. :-)

Just for my personal curiosity: is your tibook a revision III one? You
can check this e.g. by launching guname, clicking on "detailed
information" and then on "CPU information."

If it is, then the maximum resolution is 1280x854, which is really

In an unrelated matter, how is sleep working with your machine and YDL
2.3? Could you please post your experience with this one? This is my
major problem, and I will upgrade to 2.3 in a pinch if sleep works
under this version.

Thanks in advance,

If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as
it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.
    --Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass