why not OS X?

Thomas Kernes yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Jun 4 15:22:00 2002

OS X Niche?  Linux isn't?

I think his original points are all valid...and probably not entirely
suitable for this list...but concerning what has been said:

Apple Remote Desktop allows network-wide software upgrades...albeit for a

I updated PHP and SSH without waiting for Apple to distribute a patch.
Isn't that what you do every time you want to upgrade your Linux system?

I use my OS X systems everyday in production environments and wish (as a
system admin) that everyone else would consider it.  FreeBSD has a lot to

Christopher Murtagh: not everyone needs to tinker with the machine.  Some
people actually need to work with applications that other people have
written...like Office, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.  The alternatives don't
always suffice.  Do you run Linux on a i386 hand-held?  If you don't, then
what difference does it make?  William never said it was a pain, he said he
found it easier to use OS X.

Just because it is free doesn't automatically make it better.  Linux elitism
is no better than any other kind.

On 6/4/2002 15:29, Konstantin Riabitsev wrote:

> Anyway. OS X would be something I'd buy my mom to use at home, but
> that's its niche right now. Maybe things will improve... but where it
> stands right now, we will be happily running x86 Linux in our department
> and get by with 2 sysadmins per 250 boxes for years to come.