Yellowdog installer just blew away my disk...

John Nelson
Wed Jun 19 10:54:01 2002

Oh for crying out loud... I just tried to upgrade my old YDL 2.1 system 
with YDL 2.2 and the disk partition editor just mangled my partitions and 
trashed all the partitions on my disk.

Not only did it blow away my Linux partitions but I think it just 
destroyed the disk label and the Mac partitions too... when I try to 
reboot into Mac OS I get a floppy disk with a flashing question mark.

YDL's installer scripts have always been sensitive (bombing out with 
errors on perfectly good file systems, inability to properly upgrade) but 
now I've lost data that might not be recoverable (that's why I try to
keep good backups).

What pisses me off about this is there's really no reason for this.  
Installation scripts shouldn't be rocket science.  I think it's time to 
start looking at better PPC distributions...

-- John