YDL 2.3

R Shapiro yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Jun 24 06:49:01 2002

Jerry S. writes:
 >   I think it is great the TerraSoft is releasing 2.3, but have to
 >   wonder why 2.1 was pushed so quickly to "old releases"?

Especially considering how much more solid 2.1 was compared to 2.2...

 >   Unfortunately I haven't been able to update to YDL 2.2 on my
 >   machines because of the need for IBMJava2 and it's inability to run
 >   on the default install of 2.2.  Is IBMJava2 going to be fully
 >   supported with 2.3?

This is a kernel issue, it's not tied to any specific version of YDL.
If you run a relatively new kernel that was built without smp, the ibm
jdk breaks.  This is just as true in 2.1 as in 2.2 and I'm sure in
2.3.  If you need this java you only have two choices - stay with an
older kernel, which probably means staying with 2.1, or build a kernel
with smp and suffer some general performance degradation if you're on
a single processor machine.
