Christopher Murtagh yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Jun 25 10:00:04 2002

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, Pete Peters wrote:
>I can see one very good reason *NOT* to recommend the distro - these
>flame wars. Could y'all *PLEASE* just get along? Fire a few shots, then
>quit or take it offline.

 I'm sorry, but your post is a bit overboard. This was hardly a 'flame
war', at least it didn't feel like one from my end. This is just a couple
of people who believe strongly in what they do debating their point of
view. And honestly, I think that this is normal and good. There might have
been a few comments that went overboard, but they should be discussed
between the people involved (and yes, preferably off list). We are all
adults here after all.

 Also, if you feel things are getting out of hand on a particular thread,
you have two options:

1) Don't read the message, hit <delete> instead

2) Email the list admin and ask him/her to do or say something
(yellowdog-general-admin@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com). Yelling about list
policy and netiquette is just not the way to go about it.

 In this case, the list admin is me, and I promise to listen to any
comments that come to me, even, *especially* actually, if they are about
my posts.

