using ximian with ydl2.1?

r may
Fri Jun 28 15:09:00 2002

Give red-carpet a try,  it should be a good experience (and a little 
effort).  Red-carpet will recognize YDL 2.0-2.2.   Ximian gnome will 
work on YDL 1.1 and 1.2 but I can't remember exactly what I did.  I 
think I had to install the rpms from the LinuxPPC-2000 folder off their 
ftp site.  I never really had any problems as long as I had all the 
dependencies in place.
2.3 is not supported (officially) yet and they don't have Gnome2 
available for PPC.  It took them a while to support 2.2 so I'm guessing 
it will be the same with 2.3 and Gnome2.  The 2.2 rpms  work just fine 
for me on 2.3.  I used apt to upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3 and everything 
still works.

*red-carpet is kinda dumb so be careful*
It will want to get rid of some stuff since YDL and Ximian build Gnome 
differently in some ways.  It also does not seem to like qt 3.0.  It 
will want to replace it with qt 2.2.2 and will remove the rest of KDE3 
since it depends on qt 3.0.  So be careful to read what its going to zap 
off of your system, but then this was using its YDL channel as well.  
Now that apt is available I don't think the YDL channel in red-carpet 
should be used.

All in all Ximian gnome seems worth the effort, at least for me.