yup with the 2.2 cd?

Patrick Callahan yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Mar 29 09:35:00 2002

Is there a way to configure yup to update off my nice new 2.2 YDL CD?

I tried the following and got "Error:"

# /usr/sbin/yup config mirror
Retrieving http://www.yellowdoglinux.com/yup/yup.master.txt
mirror-list: 7 KB read (100%) 14.3 KB/s
mirror-list: 7 KB read (100%) 14.3 KB/s

Mirror list:


(14) [N/A]      Yellow Dog Linux 2.1 CD-ROM

Enter the number of your selection: 14
[root@localhost ppc]# /usr/sbin/yup update
Reading RPM database... (100%)
Performing dependencies sanity check...
Checking for package list updates...

[root@localhost ppc]#