yup update sites

Jerry S. yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon May 6 08:08:01 2002

Hello YDL,

  I have tried numerous times to run "yup update" after configuring it
  and I keep getting:
530-Sorry, there are currently too many connections (56) in your ftp class.
530-Limits in your class are as follows (in EST):
530-  M,T,W,R,F 0900-1700: 25 ftp, 25 http, 10 rsync
530-  All other times:     75 ftp, 25 http, 10 rsync
530 Login incorrect.

  Is there more than just this one site going to be made availible for
  updates?  I am running YDL 2.2 and never had this problem on my 2.1
  systems, there were several update sites availible.  I have been
  able to go through a browser and manually download all of the
  updates and apply them via rpm -Uvh but that is a royal pain.  It
  doesn't seem to make any difference what type of day or day of the
  week I connect, the ftp site always seems to be maxed out.


Best regards,
 Jerry                          mailto:jer_57@cox.net