modem and shutdown

Cynthia Croy
Thu Oct 3 21:31:01 2002

>2.  I've tried to shutdown in a couple of ways none of them very successful:
>a) graphic shutdown button in KDE.
>result:  tried to shutdown, sent kill signal, etc.  there was a noise that
>sounded like a spinning thing coming to rest (it sounded like a good noise).
>however, it hung up before shutting off the actual power.  the last thing it
>did was, "flushing ide devices hda hdb."
>b) comman "halt -p"
>result:  same as for step (a) above.
>c) command "/sbin/shutdown -h"
>result:  invalid command.  Yes, i was root, and checked the spelling.  :-?
>d) command "shutdown -h now"
>result: invalid command.  i was root, and checked the spelling. :-?
>Any ideas? 
Two ideas:

Have you tried "/sbin/shutdown -h now"?

For the a and b, what happens if you shut off the power and start up 
again? If you don't get a message about unmounting uncleanly with a disk 
check forced, I would think it shut down properly. Just for a bit more 
information, the last thing mine says before the screen goes blank is 
"stopping all md devices".

Hope this helps.
