Radeon 7500

Ron McCall yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Sep 11 21:33:01 2002

On Sat, Sep 07, 2002 at 12:12:45PM -0600, Dan Burcaw wrote:
> The BlueStone_B part just refers to your second video connector on that 
> card I imagine.  Could you try a newer kernel (e.g. benh rsync) and
> see if console switching works?


I somehow managed to "fix" things without having to try a newer kernel!
I'm not 100% sure but I think my virtual terminal and console problems
went away after I re-enabled the "UseFBDev" option in XFConfig-4.  I was
previously unable to use this option with video=ofonly but after
switching to video=radeon:dfp I am now able to re-enable this option.  I
now have a good console at boot and shutdown and no longer get a blank
screen when switching from X to a VT.

Thanks for the help!

Ron McCall