OT -Other than Yellow Dog ?

Ben Ricker yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Dec 1 08:47:02 2003

I would suggest Gentoo (http://www.gentoo.org). great Distro and you can
walk the bleeding edge like nobody's business (at least compared to
YDL). My biggest beef with YDL is the lag time in releasing the latest
and the greatest.

One caveat: depending on the speed of the machine and the method of
installing, installation can take DAYS (or several hours). Basically,
you can compile all the binaries from source. And I mean ALL! You can
even compile the compiler! The docs are rather good for the install
process and the bug support is phenomenal! But it is not for those who
lack ambition.

Ben Ricker

On Sun, 2003-11-30 at 17:41, Terry Houle wrote:
> Hope not to start any flames since a YDL list but though the best place 
> to post since I currently subscribe and am running it (YDL) on my i 
> Book.  Anyway my question is if anyone has tried other distro's on 
> their Mac?  I just saw a post on a Linux list about maybe Red Hat more 
> interested in server market than desktop.  Since I believe YDL is based 
> on Red Hat wondering how some other distro's might  fare on my box?
> I realize that YDL is probably  the distro of choice for Mac.  Any 
> experiences or thoughts appreciated.
> Terry Houle
> houle@citilink.com
> using a Mac
> http://houle.us
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