OT -Other than Yellow Dog ?

Harvey Ussery yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Dec 1 11:33:06 2003

Appreciate getting your point of view. I have a set of Gentoo install 
cd's on order & plan to get into it once I get Debian settled down.

Ben Ricker wrote:

>I would suggest Gentoo (http://www.gentoo.org). great Distro and you can
>walk the bleeding edge like nobody's business (at least compared to

> My biggest beef with YDL is the lag time in releasing the latest
>and the greatest.
Yeah, that's my impression too. In fact, this whole process of trying 
out new Linux flavors started when I tried to compile Lyx from source 
under YDL. Never was able to get the install fully up & running. When I 
started looking around, I found that other distro's were offering Lyx as 
ready-to-install pkgs. I had been surprised that ydl didn't as well--in 
the world of Linux text processing, it's not that exotic a program.

>One caveat: depending on the speed of the machine and the method of
>installing, installation can take DAYS (or several hours). Basically,
>you can compile all the binaries from source. And I mean ALL! You can
>even compile the compiler! The docs are rather good for the install
>process and the bug support is phenomenal! But it is not for those who
>lack ambition.
>Ben Ricker
Once I get into Gentoo, maybe I'll come looking for some pointers, Ben! 
   Thanks    --Harvey
