Finding a yum-installed pkg

Harvey Ussery
Tue Dec 2 15:58:02 2003

I used yum to install a pkg: tetex-doc

[root@localhost root]# yum install tetex-doc
Gathering package information from servers
Getting headers from: Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 base
Getting headers from: Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 updates
Finding updated packages
Downloading needed headers
Resolving dependencies
Dependencies resolved
I will do the following:
[install: tetex-doc.ppc]
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Getting tetex-doc-1.0.7-57.1.ppc.rpm
Calculating available disk space - this could take a bit
tetex-doc 100 % done
Installed:  tetex-doc.ppc
Transaction(s) Complete

I then double-checked man yum & concluded I shd run clean pkgs (to get 
rid of the no-longer-needed download files). [Did I misunderstand the 
function of yum clean packages? Please correct me if so.]

[root@localhost root]# man yum
[root@localhost root]# yum clean packages
Gathering package information from servers
Getting headers from: Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 base
Getting headers from: Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 updates
Finding updated packages
Downloading needed headers
Cleaning packages

I then tried accessing the new documentation--but first I had to find it:

[root@localhost root]# locate tetex-doc

That seems kind of weird--looks as if the only tetex-doc on the system 
is the yum header file??

[root@localhost root]# yum list installed | grep tetex-doc
tetex-doc                                ppc        1.0.7-57.1

This tells me the pkg is installed on the system--but where? And ditto for:

[root@localhost root]# rpm -qa | grep tetex-doc
[root@localhost root]# whereis tetex-doc

I've checked in
and I'm not finding the new documentation. Why not?

Thanks for help.    --Harvey