CUPS permissions

Longman, Bill
Fri Dec 5 10:09:01 2003

> E [04/Dec/2003:16:13:05 +0100] [Job 37] unable to open print file
> "/var/spool/cups/d00037-001" - Permission denied
> Can someone help me to understand? In /var/spool/cups, there 
> is no file
> d00037-01, only a file c00037 (perhaps related, but how?).
> The problem is to find that d00037-01 file, and to know what 
> permissions
> should be given. 

Make sure the permissions of the directory /var/spool/cups are correct. If
the spooler cannot write the file, you'd get permission denied. Easiest test
is to "chmod 777 /var/spool/cups" and check it out.

