YDL Boots, Mac OS 9 Does Not

Harvey Ussery yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Dec 5 15:35:05 2003

Jay Truesdale wrote:

>---- Here is the yaboot.conf:
>init-message="Welcome to Yellow Dog Linux!\nHit <TAB> for boot
>        label=linux
>        root=/dev/hda8
>        read-only
>        initrd=/boot/initrd-2.4.22-2f.img
>---------- end of yaboot.conf
Jay,   Again, nothing seems obviously amiss in the config as I study 
mine alongside yours; it looks as if the installer properly configured 
OS9 to dual boot, with YDL as the default. Again, I am hampered by lack 
of experience w booting OS9--in particular, I know that the 
Apple_Bootstrap partition on which yaboot resides must come >before< any 
partition w a bootloader for MacOS--and I am not completely confident of 
my understanding of your partitions #2-5 and the role they're playing in 
the boot process, if any (though if they were the problem, I guess you'd 
be unable to boot YDL rather than OS9).

The only things I can suggest are a thorough study of
man yaboot
man yaboot.conf
man bootstrap
man ybin
If you can find it, a manual entry for OpenFirmware. I can't pull it up 
right now, but it seems I did at some point. (Man is picky about case 
when requesting a page.) If there actually isn't an entry, check other 
sources of info for Open Firmware--I know I found one & studied it while 
dealing with this problem of dual booting & specifically being unable to 
boot MacOS(X in my case).

There is an excellent tutorial on yaboot at
which I >strongly< recommend. I read it in its entirety during my own 
travails & then referred to it constantly thereafter. It's oriented 
toward Debian users, but I don't think that will make any difference for 
the issues you're dealing with. Of particular interest to you will be 
the procedures of holding the keys      Command-Option-p-r      or     
Command-Option-o-f      while booting. I think one of those should get 
you in to OS9 on a kind of emergency basis until you get the problem of 
the boatloader worked out.

There is also a yaboot users list at
which I found an invaluable resource. Anyone can post. The list is 
maintained by Ethan Benson, whom I came to think of as "Mr. Yaboot." He 
gave me very valuable assistance.

So sorry that's all I can offer at this point. Keep posting as you work 
forward & maybe somebody on the list will get a good idea.

Good luck.    --Harvey
