Help with yum

Harvey Ussery
Fri Dec 5 17:59:02 2003

Greg Hamilton wrote:

>> PS: How do I locate info about "Errno 104" in my system?
> For an introduction to 'errno' try the errno man page. There's a 
> standard C function for looking up the text error message for an errno 
> error code.
> #include <string.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> int main(int argc, char **argv)
> {
>     if (argc > 1)
>         printf("%s\n", strerror(atoi(argv[1])));
>     return 0;
> }
> Save the above code as err.c, compile with gcc:
> $ gcc -o err err.c
> To look up errors:
> $ ./err 104
> Connection reset by peer
> Ta da.
> Greg

Greg, Thanks so much for the above. I was more involved in the yum 
problem at the time, so didn't do anything with the little script you 
kindly passed on. But today I tried. It was the first time I had 
actually programed my system to do anything with a script. Of course, it 
was pretty much monkey see-monkey do; but it was a learning 
experience--and it works!

One little thing is bugging me: In the process of writing the script w 
emacs, I somehow screwed up & created a file   #err.c#  (got interrupted 
by my wife--don't ask!). I can't get rid of it. I've tried every flavor 
of rm I can think of--with -f and -R (yeah, I know, that's for 
directories) etc.--both as my user acct & as root--keep getting "Too few 
arguments" returns. Thinking the leading # was the culprit, thought I'd 
rename the file to something like "bogus" and then "rm" that. "Missing 
file arguments." How can I get the system to recognize this #.... file 
as something I can manipulate? Of course, it ain't no biggie--looks like 
this file is not ever going to give me grief. But it irks me, thumbing 
its nose that way--how can I knock it off?

Thanks.    --Harvey