Latest mozilla build

Geert Janssens
Thu Dec 11 10:24:03 2003


After Neil Miller's announcement that version 1.6b of mozilla was built 
for PPC, I tried to install it on my YDL 3.0 installation.

However, when launching mozilla, the startup script exits with code 127 
on the line trying to execute:
exec /opt/mozilla/mozilla-xremote-client 'xfeDoCommand(openBrowser)'

I did install mozilla in /opt/mozilla (since I prefer not to interfere 
with the yum installed system), and changed all environment variables in 
the startup script accordingly (like MOZ_DIST_BIN and MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME 
and so on).

Could this be because YDL comes compiled with gcc 3.2.x while mozilla 
was built with gcc 2.95.x ?

Or am I doing something wrong ?

Thank you,
