YDL and firewire drive

Gavin Hemphill yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Dec 12 13:01:02 2003

I've seen this when people try to follow that howto without 
understanding just what they're up to.  The problem is that on various 
machines the OF aliases that Bill talks about (fw, node, etc.) aren't 
correct.  for example my OF fw alias points to the wrong address.  This 
means that I'm using something like:


as my path to the kernel.  I also note you don't have the leading / on 
your path.  You need to boot into OF and get the device tree listing - 
noting if things like fw point to the correct things.  If you can't 
figure it out, send me some mail with things like your of tree etc and 
I'll try to give you a hand.

There are also some other things in the howto that I have found to be 
unnecessary for example I'm using labels without mucking around with devfs.

Michael George wrote:
> I've followed the directions on Richard McLain's 10/03/2003 Boot from a 
> FireWire drive HOWTO on two separate drives and I keep getting the same 
> error.
> After typing "> boot fw/node/sbp-2/disk@0:2, yaboot" (and partition 2 is 
> the location of my bootloader partition), I get: