"excessive" TX-ERR/TX-OVR on 2.4.20-8e IMac (bondi blue)

yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat Dec 13 08:27:03 2003

I have an old Bondi Blue IMac which we're using as a file
server. It's running 2.4.20-8e. I've noticed excessive values
of TX-ERR/TX-OVR via 'netstat -i'... on the order of 0.5%. What's
curious is that TX-ERR is *exactly* equal to TX-OVR. There
is a small number of RX-ERR (and 0 RX-OVR) but nothing close to
the TX-ERR/OVR values. It connected to the rest of the line
via good Cat5 and a 3Com switch and I see the number of errors
increase whether transmitting to 10m or 100m systems.

Any suggestions on what to look at?