HOWTO Run JBuilder X on linux/ppc

Jeroen Zwartepoorte
Sun Dec 21 21:05:44 2003

Hi guys,

This is a little HOWTO on how to get JBuilder X up & running on
linux/ppc using the IBM JDK 1.4.1.


1. Download & install the IBM JDK 1.4.1 from

2. Add "JITC_PROCESSOR_TYPE=6" to your environment (~/.bash_profile).
This is necessary in order to get the JIT working on a G4.

3. Download the Linux version of JBuilder X from (or get
your CDs out of the box).

4. Run "sh ent_install.bin LAX_VM /opt/IBMJava2-ppc-141/bin/java" to
install JBuilder (change "ent_install.bin" to the flavor of your choice
(personal, professional etc) and change the path to java to where you
installed it).

5. Download my jbuilder script here and put it in a bin directory
somewhere: . You need to change
JBUILDER_HOME to point to the location where you installed JBuilder.
Normally JBuilder is started by a binary, but there are no binaries for
linux/ppc, so you'll need to use the script.

6. Copy crimson.jar and xalan.jar from the thirdparty dir to your
$JBUILDER_HOME/lib directory. This is required because these classes are
not in JDK 1.4.1 (there are older versions, but those won't work).
Putting these in the bootclasspath will fix this.

At this point you should be able to get JBuilder X up and running. One
thing that will not work is setting the look and feel to the Borland
look and feel. This is because the Borland LAF extends the Windows XP
LAF and the XP LAF is new in JDK 1.4.2.

This can be fixed by extracting the com/sun/java/swing/ directory from
$JBUILDER_HOME/jdk1.4/jre/lib/rt.jar and repackaging it with jar (jar cf
com) and then putting it in $JBUILDER_HOME/lib as plaf.jar.

Here's a screenshot showing it running on my powerbook:

