Beige G3 can't find root after install

Mon Dec 22 15:45:02 2003

Hi Duane

On Montag, Dezember 22, 2003, at 10:36  Uhr, Duane Foster wrote:

> I did try the two current BenH kernel on (one of them was=20=

> powermac-ow-scsi-2.4-benh-2.4.23-pre5) and neither of them could not=20=

> find root.  The how-to does refer to a ~Ben10-thk kernel..  is this=20
> different from the current BenH kernels?

No, ben10-thk was just the kernel I recompiled later for the mentioned=20=

machine and made it available.

> linuxppc states that the old world scsi kernel is not for the beige G3=20=

> and the how-to on this website is not a beige G3. I am wondering if=20
> there is a difference with the beige G3 having 2 scsi busses?

So sorry I mixed something up. I see you use a G3 not an real OW Mac.=20
The G3 is something between. You can boot it into open firmware and=20
have screen on the internal video and ttys with ADB keyboard and mouse,=20=

different to PPC =A1=C2 9600.

So you seems to have a problem mix.

The regular YDL kernel will boot on the G3 but not with UW-SCSI cards=20
because the symSCSI driver ist not compiled into the kernel anymore=20
since YDL 3.0 (don't know why they did this shit) but has to be loaded=20=

as a module like the installer kernel does.

This should work for you:

Install YDL on an IDE-Drive connected to the internal master IDE bus or=20=

an UltraDMA-PCI card (SONNET Tempo, Acard, etc.). Then install YDL with=20=

developer support so you can compile with make later. (You might not=20
need to install KDE or GNOME if you install w3m, lynx, etc. for the=20
command line. If you want to use a X-based kernel configuration,=20
install at least one desktop environment.

Then compile a new kernel on this installation with UW-SCSI PCI card=20
built-in. You will have to move the kernel binary to a location where=20
you can access it from Mac OS later (ftp-server e.g).

Then reboot in Mac OS 9 and follow the instructions on my site to boot=20=

with this kernel and to add it to the Linux installation.

Should be easy to copy the new kernel and modules from the IDE Linux=20
partition without using ftp.

Reboot and have fun--

> duane

If you have further questions, don't hesitate to post it. I will keep=20
an eye on the list mostly daily.
