mozilla 1.0--could not execute binary file

Ryan Boder
Sat Feb 1 16:28:01 2003

> I wouldn't mind at all, except it's a 39 mb download. Will the compiled
> app take up that much space? Space is limited on my box, unfortunately. I
> have .9x from my distro, it's on the CD--was working fine (sort of) but I
> figured I may as well upgrade so I tossed it.  Well, I may give 1.2.1 a
> try. Thanks for the compile instructions :-)

Hmmm, I wasn't thinking very hard when I wrote you those instructions. Here
are some that work better...

tar -zxvf mozilla-source-1.2.1.tar.gz
cd mozilla
./configure --enable-crypto --disable-debug --enable-optimize=-O2 --disable-pedantic --enable-extensions --disable-mailnews
cd dist/bin

Also, if you don't have enough space to compile, you are welcome to use the
1.3a I compiled, which can be downloaded here...

It's a prerelease, and I am using it in Yellowdog 2.3, but you might want to
give it a shot.


Ryan Boder