Yellow Dog Apple display LCD problem

Angela Kahealani
Fri Feb 14 04:29:01 2003

Bernard Mason wrote:
> Hardware; G4/500, 1,5 gig memory: Mac Edition Radeon AGP Card: using
> Apple Studio Display (LCD) DVI output and Yellow Dog Linux v2.3. 

Hardware: G3/266 Beige MiniTower, 768MB RAM;
Mac Edition Radeon 7000 PCI Card; using
Apple Studio Display (LCD) ADC from DVI output via Dr.Bott's DVI-ator.

The YDL Configure/Install Python script ignores the card and only lets
me configure the motherboard video. The Xautoconfigurator also barfs out
a crashable XF86Config-4 file.
I also have and NTSC monitor on the S-Video port, and an Apple
PerformaPlus VGA on the VGA port of the Radeon card... and YDL refuses
to use the card at all...
as I understand it from TerribleSoftwareSolutions, there simply is no
completed driver for the Radeon 7000 card, and Radeon cards in general
are not fully supported.
I have to run with no hardware acceleration period.

Between that and no Right Shift Key on the mega-standard
Apple Extended Keyboard, and YDL is pretty unusable for 
ANy kind of workstation/GUI work, though it certainly is
a fine UNIX network server. 

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