KDE 3.1

Lee Parry yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Feb 18 09:12:01 2003

> Hmm, I tried to compile it last night and got an error making the Arts
> package. It complains of missing libqt_mt libraries but I'm pretty sure
> they are there in the install directory. Did you have any issues along
> the way?
> Any help would be apreciated.
> r.

Yeah, I had a heap of issues. BUT, they were all entirely due to my own
stupid fault, as I started the process as the super user! So I had to change
the permissions and do it again, but it was fine then.

How were you doing it? I used Konstruct from the KDE site. There are
instructions in these forums somewhere about how to use it, and what you'll
need to install before. I can't quite remember now, but look for a thread
about KDE 3.1 RC 5 (I think), there's a handy how to that someone wrote.
It's still the same process for the final release, apart from of course it
installs to kde3.1 rather than kde3.1-rc5, or whatever.


Lee Parry
MultiMedia Designer
Real World MultiMedia