KDE 3.1

r.sesser yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Feb 18 08:48:01 2003

On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 06:23, Lee Parry wrote:
> Just as an update and a thank you, I successfully installed KDE 3.1on my YDL
> 2.3 system the other night.
> Hooray!
> It's MUCH swifter than 3.0, and I'm very happy, especially as it was my
> first BIG compile.
> Oh, and in case anyone else wondered about my other question, kio_mac is
> included in KDE 3.1 by default. Hooray again!
> Lee

Hmm, I tried to compile it last night and got an error making the Arts
package. It complains of missing libqt_mt libraries but I'm pretty sure
they are there in the install directory. Did you have any issues along
the way?

Any help would be apreciated.
