UW imap/SSL authentication

Paul J. Lucas yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu Feb 20 17:18:00 2003

	I've had the UW imap/SSL server working fine on one YDL box.  I
	just installed YDL 2.3 on another box and can't get a client to
	authenticate with the imap server.

	When I built imaps, I specified the lnp port (Linux PAM).  The
	PAM module is the same as it is on the working machine:

		auth       required     /lib/security/pam_pwdb.so shadow
		account    required     /lib/security/pam_pwdb.so

	I copied the SSL cert over from the old machine.  When I try to
	connect, it claims that it doesn't like my password.  I get the
	following in /var/log/messages:

Feb 20 10:36:35 g4 imapd[26475]: Login failed user=pjl auth=pjl host=myhost.pauljlucas.org []

	Nothing special show up in /var/log/maillog.  Apparantly, xinetd
	is set up correctly (if it wasn't, I wouldn't even get as far as
	I did).

	Any ideas?

	- Paul