which development pkgs?

nathan r. hruby yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Feb 21 12:37:01 2003

On Friday, February 21, 2003, at 02:18 PM, Andrew Jacobs wrote:

> I just installed YDL 2.2 on my 8500/180, which I'd like to turn into a
> personal internet server.  Thus, I did the "Internet server" option
> while installing.  The problem is that now I want to rebuild my kernel
> so that it can see the new NIC I just bought.  Anyone know if the devel
> packages are installed by default, or which RPM's are included in the
> YDL Development option?  I'm getting weird errors.

No, they're not.  YDL might support the NIC already - what kind is it?

To get devel stuff you need to minimally do:
apt-get install glibc-devel gcc gcc-devel kernel-headers

For compiling other stuff you'll need to get the other devel packages 
as well (eg, compiling apache modules will mean installing 
apache-devel, etc..).

nathan hruby <nathan@drama.uga.edu>
computer services specialist
uga drama