strange cpu load average

Tue Feb 25 09:18:01 2003


I've looked for a similar situation on various linux lists and found 
nothing. I've got a G-4, 450 with YDL2.3 that seems to be running fine. 
But I get puzzling load averages of 2.0 across the board when the 
machine's not doing anything, and I'm curious about this.

Here is the summary from top:

 9:39am  up 41 days, 14:36,  3 users,  load average: 2.00, 2.00, 2.00
64 processes: 63 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
Mem:  1030464K av,  848156K used,  182308K free,       0K shrd,   46372K 
Swap: 1048568K av,    2904K used, 1045664K free                  530928K 

The one process that seems to be consuming any cycles is top itself. 
It's the same whether running X or not. I killed magicdev, since that 
too consumed a few cycles.

I've got a 2.4.19 kernel compiled with HIGHMEM support.

