nathan r. hruby
Fri Feb 28 08:02:01 2003

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, Bill Fink wrote:

> This seems to be major overkill and a bad policy.  I count only 3 spam
> messages this month out of a couple hundred or more total messages.

Some would say 3 is too many.

> The yellowdog-general list should be an open list.  I for one read it
> via the web e-mail archive as I have time, and this new policy will
> prevent me from helping other YDL users or posting my own questions.
> I can't even directly e-mail a person posting a question since the
> web archive doesn't divulge e-mail addresses, which I understand is
> to prevent them from being harvested by spammers, and I agree that
> that policy is an unfortunately necessary evil.  However, making the
> yellowdog-general list a closed list is unnecessary and is totally
> contrary to the open Linux philosophy and hurts its community.

It's not closed, anyone can subscribe and then post.  Really, if you 
wanted to read the Web Based archives, but still post to the list, just 
subscribe to the lsit and then set the 'nomail' option for the address you 
subscribed.  You won't get lots of email, but you'll still be able to 

Many many many lists have moved to a 'members-only-posting' rule due to
spam, it really is that bad.  The worst part is that it will only get
worse.  3 this month mean 6-10 next month.  Addtionally, the spam causes
more work for the people of Yellowdag from trigger happy users forwarding 
the spam to places like spamcop who then blacklist the domain or others 
who then proble the hell out of the lists machine.

Does the current rule make it more difficult to psot to the list?  Yes.  
Is is a needed measure?  Yes.  When we get rid of spam (and the stupid 
people who buy the advertixed crap) will the list open back up to anyone 
posting?  Proably.

nathan hruby <>
computer services specialist
uga drama