different behavior for RPM dependency handling between yum andapt

Rick Thomas yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Jul 11 17:05:01 2003

It seems to me that ("obsoletes" loop) is a configuration error 
that yum should be checking for and complaining about -- so 
somebody can do something about it!  Not a "fact of life" that 
should cause the designers to drop an important feature.

But I'm not on the yum design team, so what do I know?  Maybe after 
I retire I'll have time to work on this kind of stuff...



On Friday, July 11, 2003, at 02:47 PM, Konstantin Riabitsev wrote:

> Rick Thomas wrote:
>> So here's the answer...  Interesting note about yum not doing 
>> "obsoletes".
> Yum doesn't do obsoletes when doing "yum update." It only pays 
> attention to obsoletes when doing "yum upgrade." Otherwise you run 
> into mutually obsoleting packages (you think I'm kidding? Check 
> gated and zebra, they obsolete each-other).
> So if it was following obsoletes during update, you would get 
> zebra and gated reinstalling each-other every night. :)
> Regards,
> -- Konstantin ("Icon") Riabitsev
> Duke University Physics Sysadmin
> www.phy.duke.edu/~icon/pubkey.asc
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