YDL 3.0 - Disk 3 Image

mamonbbux yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Jun 3 10:41:01 2003

Ed Leafe a écrit:
>     I've gotten the ISO image from linuxiso.org, and it is the correct 
> size and md5sum. Are there any other mirrors to get it from? I'm willing 
> to try anything at this point.

I've used (successfully) the freshrpms's isoS
> Matthias Saou  yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
> Mon May 12 07:15:01 2003

> I've put the ISO images I had gotten through YDL.net here :
> ftp://ftp.freshrpms.net/tmp/
> Hopefully they are the same as the ones made public later on. All 6 files
> match what's in the MD5 file that is in the same directory.
> Don't hesitate to check if the MD5 sums are the same as the ones you
> expect, and if they are, you can download the 3rd disc from there, as it
> should then be correct unless there is a problem during the transfer.
> Matthias

(don't forget: 650Mb cd's)

bisouxxxxxxbbxxxxxxxxx b-:-b
[bb@bbux bb] killall VIH | no need to su to do so

PS2: bize mam' !