controlling vim within YDL

Derick Centeno
Thu Jun 5 07:28:00 2003

Hi There:
I want to modify vim via the number and colorscheme variables which are
controlled through EXINIT.   Within the AIX OS this would be done
through the .profile file, but I believe the analog of that file in YDL
is the.bash_profile, The goal is to modify a key file so that I don't
have to modify vim in every individual session every time I invoke its
use; instead whenever I invoke vim I want it to "look up" this key file
and utilize the variables definitions modifying vim's behavior to my
liking. So which file do I modify so that my prompts (resetting PS1 and
PS2) and vim behave are to the way I prefer.

I tried doing a cat env to discover what variables such as PS1, PS2 and
 EXIINIT are set to but that command sequence which works in AIX,
doesn't appear to work in Linux, or at least, this Linux.  So how do I


What about manipulating .bash_profile so that I don't have to modify the
behavior of PS1 or EXINIT every session???  Recall that in EXINIT I want
to modify several parameters such as number, colorscheme and others.  In
AIX I would leave a space between each variable, such as 

EXINIT='set nu colorscheme=evening number=y'

but in YDL maybe the correct sequence is something else like:

EXINIT="set nu, colorscheme=evening, number=y"

or even something else, well you get the idea..I would attempt whatever
solutions prescribed here.  Thanks for your help