Mon Jun 23 02:15:01 2003

I hope this is proper place to ask this, if not just ignore it :D

I've been trying to get phpmyadmin working, but to no avail. I did a server
install of YDL 3.0, and I've got PHP and mySQL installed. I can startup
mySQL by typing "/etc/init.d/mysqld start" and I've tested if PHP worked by
making a simple .php file, and it worked. Now the tricky bit seems to
getting both PHP and mySQL to work together.

So I did some reading and I made sure "extension_dir = /usr/lib/php4" and
that "", in my php.ini file. I also looked in
/usr/lib/php4 and found that there's no "" file. Also when I access
PHPmyadmin through its index.php file, I get "cannot load MySQL extension".

So I was wondering what am I missing here? Is php installed with mySQL
support, or do I need to do that myself, and if so how?
