PowerBook G3 Lombard: No cursor at the console!

Marc Le Pape yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Jun 27 06:52:01 2003

Everything seems fine after a trouble free install of YDL 3.0 except 
that I have no cursor when I Iog in (in text mode.)
I am not talking about the mouse cursor; I am talking about the cursor 
showing the character insertion point whenever you type a command at 
the prompt or whenever you do text editing.

If I launch Emacs, for example:

% emacs .emacs

there is no cursor whatsoever. Good luck working in Emacs without a 

In X Window, I have a cursor so no problem there. The issue only exists 
outside the X Window system, i.e at the console level - where I spent 
most of my time.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot.