Packages that need to be resolved.

nathan r. hruby
Wed Mar 5 13:11:01 2003

On Wednesday, March 5, 2003, at 03:05 PM, Jeff Laughlin wrote:

> Converting an ext2 filesystem to ext3 is trivial. They are so close 
> that a cleanly unmounted ext3 fs can be mounted as ext2. Here are the 
> steps to perform the conversion
> 1. Compile and boot a kernel with ext3 support
> 2. Run "tune2fs -j /dev/sda3" where sda3 is the device whose 
> filesystem you're converting
> 3. Edit /etc/fstab and change the filesystem type for the device from 
> ext2 to ext3
> 4. Reboot (or remount if you're a guru), done.

This is all true.  It's easy

> IMHO ext3 should be the default filesystem for new installs.

Except for that nasty data=journal corruption issue :)  IIRC, there 
were also ppc/endian issues for a cycle or two.. maybe I'm getting 
confused.. so many chnagelogs, so little time.

I have no problems with default installs being conservative.  If you're 
adroit enough to setup ext3, XFS, ReiserFS, etc.. than you don't need 
the installer to hold your hand.  I was cautious about RHL-7.2's 
default of ext3 (still am with 8.0) and would worry if it just popped 
into a release without sufficient QA.

YDL is a small company, it takes them a little extra time.  OTOH, I've 
found YDL's releases very stable and well thought out and they have 
been responsive to legitimate bugs which makes up for the difference of 
not having the same 'cutting edge' features that the most recent Redhat 
releases have.  (Which always seem to break things anyway.. Redhat .0 
releases are a bad bad thing)

nathan hruby <>
computer services specialist
uga drama