Packages out of synch

Mark Jaffe
Thu Mar 6 15:41:01 2003

I need some expert help; I am attempting to add a new package and I cannot
get apt-get past this problem:

[root@wizdev mysqlcc-0.8.10-src]# apt-get check
Processing File Dependencies... Done
Reading Package Lists... Error!
E: There are two or more versions of the package 'php-mysql' installed in
your system, which is a situation APT can't handle cleanly at the moment.
Please do one of the following:
1) Remove the older packages, leaving only one version installed; or
2) If you do want to have multiple versions of that package, add the package
names to the RPM::AllowedDupPkgs option.

E: Error occured while processing php-mysql (UsePackage3)
E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/rpm/Packages
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

So I tried this variant of the command:

[root@wizdev mysqlcc-0.8.10-src]# apt-get -o RPM::AllowedDupPkgs=php-mysql
Processing File Dependencies... Done
Reading Package Lists... Error!
E: There are two or more versions of the package 'php-mysql' installed in
your system, which is a situation APT can't handle cleanly at the moment.
Please do one of the following:
1) Remove the older packages, leaving only one version installed; or
2) If you do want to have multiple versions of that package, add the package
names to the RPM::AllowedDupPkgs option.

E: Error occured while processing php-mysql (UsePackage3)
E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/rpm/Packages
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

Any suggestions? 

Mark Jaffe              | (408) 972-9638 (home)
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