what do you do with YDL?

Spliced Networks yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat Mar 8 21:58:01 2003


We are getting ready to launch the public beta of the new TuxPPC
site (this is the iMacLinux, iBookLinux etc sites). We've taken
the best parts of the current site, updated everything that needed
to be updated and added several new sections. We are now looking
to add some new content before placing the new site online.

We've already receive a fair amount of feedback from the group
of beta testers we have looking at the new site, but since TuxPPC
is a free site for the users of Linux/PPC, I thought it might be
nice to find out from a larger audience :

1) What do you use YDL (or Linux) for?

2) Is there anything you can do in x86 linux (eg. Red Hat on a PC) that
   you cannot do on PowerPC?

3) What would you like to see howtos,guides and articles cover?

Since YDL do such a great job, and since Linux on the PPC in general has
matured since we started iMacLinux, we've changed the focus from
getting your Mac/PPC running Linux to maximising the use of your Mac/PPC 
running Linux.
