what do you do with YDL?

Jonathan C. Sitte yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat Mar 8 22:31:01 2003

> 1) What do you use YDL (or Linux) for?

I use it for development, web desing, digital photography editing, digita=
video editing, audio editing, music and video entertainment, games, ftp=20
server, ssh server, nfs server, and pretty anything I can think of.

> 2) Is there anything you can do in x86 linux (eg. Red Hat on a PC) that
>    you cannot do on PowerPC?

Hmmm. Viewing flash animations. This has really been bothering me. There =
is an=20
old version floating around but it doesn't work with most sites. Also thi=
will probably be fixed with the next version of Yellowdog is video=20
accelleration for the Radeon M6 LY. Packages tend to be allot older, and =
of them have to be compiled from source. I am working on bringing more of=
these packages to RPM format as we speak. More games like Quake 3 and suc=
That is about it. :)=20

> 3) What would you like to see howtos,guides and articles cover?

Nothing really on howtos but some articles asking people to work more on =
ppc side of things like making more packages on the ppc side and an artic=
making a very strong testimate of the need for flash for ppc. I am extrem=
anoyed that there is not a good port of it yet. I would do it myself if I=
the skills.

Hope this helps.
