what do you do with YDL?

Steve yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Mar 10 07:38:01 2003

Do you mean that the PPC wastes more power and creates more heat vs. an x86
or vice versa?

- Steve

-----Original Message-----
From: yellowdog-general-admin@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
[mailto:yellowdog-general-admin@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com]On Behalf
Of Jim Robinson
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 8:59 AM
To: yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Subject: Re: what do you do with YDL?


> 1) What do you use YDL (or Linux) for?

-We are using YDL 2.1 on (8) Synergy's VCMD VME PPC boards for Internal
Research and Development projects with YDL 2.3 on (2) Power Mac's for
-I have had Very good luck with YDL to the point that I went and got an IMac
for home and scraped RedHat 8.0 on my X86 box.

> 2) Is there anything you can do in x86 linux (eg. Red Hat on a PC) that
>    you cannot do on PowerPC?

This should really be what can't you do with x86 linux that you are doing
with your PPC linux, but as for your question,

- Nothing that can't be recompiled, this is mostly a time and ease of
install issue.
- Not All PMC drivers are ported to the PPC platform (to be expected tho)
and so far all of the companies that we are working with have done an
excellent job of supporting us.
- YDL 2.X doesn't come with ADA, and you have to upgrade your gcc and dev
tools to get it.... hummm Howto???
- Create lots of heat and waste power... ;-)

> 3) What would you like to see howtos,guides and articles cover?

I haven't found anything yet that a Howto hasn't covered.

My 2 cents,
James Robinson