OFF: Now I've seen everything (at the thriftshop)

Rob Brandt
Mon Mar 10 15:22:01 2003

Quoting Steve Guiwits <>:

> > BTW, this is the same thriftshop I've gotten G3 Macs for $40 and an Apple
> 20"
> > display for $45.
> Where is this shop??? :)
> Steve

I'm not telling :')

Their pricing is unpredictable; they have no idea what they're doing.  They also
are now selling a PowerBook 145 for $99.  Go figure.  The two deals above were
priced that way (I'm sure) because they didn't know how to evaluate them.  With
the abscence of a Mac monitor, the G3s wouldn't boot so I'm sure they thought
they were dead.  Same with the monitor.  No mac to power it and they thought it
was dead.  None were. :')
